The PHARMINE (ââ?¬Å?Pharmacy Education in Europeââ?¬Â) project studied the organisation\nof pharmacy education, practice and legislation in the European Union (EU) with the objectives of\nevaluating to what degree harmonisation had taken place with the EU, and producing documents\non each individual EU member state. Part of this work was in the form of a survey of pharmacy\neducation, practice, and legislation in the various member states. We will publish the individual\nmember state surveys as reference documents. This paper presents the results of the PHARMINE\nsurvey on pharmacy education, training, and practice in the Czech Republic. Czech community\npharmacies sell and provide advice on Rx and Over-the-counter (OTC) medicines; they also provide\ndiagnostic services (e.g., blood pressure measurement). Pharmacists (lÃ?©kÃ?¡rnÃ?Âk in Czech) study for five\nyears and graduate with a Magister (Mgr., equivalent to M.Pharm.) degree. The Mgr. diploma is the\nonly requirement for registration as a pharmacist. Pharmacists can own and manage community\npharmacies, or work as responsible pharmacists in pharmacies. All practising pharmacists must\nbe registered with the Czech Chamber of Pharmacists. The ownership of a community pharmacy\nis not restricted to members of the pharmacy profession; the majority of pharmacies are organised\ninto various pharmacy chains. There are two universities providing higher education in pharmacy\nin the Czech Republic: the Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Kralove, Charles University, which was\nestablished in 1969, and the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical\nSciences in Brno, which was established in 1991. The pharmacy curriculum is organized as a seamless,\nfully integrated, five-year master degree course. There is a six-month traineeship supervised by\nthe university, which usually takes place during the fifth year. Thus, the pharmacy curriculum is\norganised in accordance with the EU directive on sectoral professions that lays down the imperatives\nfor pharmacy education, training, and practice in the various member states of the EU. Currently,\nno specialisation courses are available at the university level. Specialisation is organised in the\nform of postgraduate, continuing professional development by the Czech Chamber of Pharmacists,\nand delivered by the Institute of Postgraduate Education for Health Professions.